Why wait in lines?
Save Time! Renewing your California Auto or Truck registration has never been easier. We are authorized by the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide this service to the general public. Payment can be made at our location and we will provide you with your tags and registration within minutes. No appointment is necessary. We are your local California motor vehicle registration service providing a need that can save you hassle free time.We are located in Palmdale, California. Please call us at (661) 265-9936 for more informaiton.

DMV Vehicle Transfer?
Transfer of vehicle to your name or more than one name or want to transfer vehicle to your company’s name. What fees are required to transfer? There are things you should know when purchasing a vehicle or transferring it over. Call our registration service today and we can help!Have questions? We can help answer and solve your California vehicle registration matters. Call our office today. Our service fee is minimal and we can save you time.